Planning Services

Planning an event is making a financial investment that has to fit into a limited amount of time all while you are in charge of being the host or guest of honor of the event. Your investment includes making sure that everything that needs to happen during the event will happen and in a timely manner. You are investing in memories for yourself and for the people in your lives who matter so much to you that you invited them as guests. And your investment in an event displays your style and efficiency while you remain composed and undistracted. That’s where we come in!

We will work with you from the moment that you decide to host an event until any and all follow up after the event is finalized.

We can even begin BEFORE that point! We can help plan and stage a proposal, plan and provide entertainment for your wedding, and plan your honeymoon! Because by the time you start planning the honeymoon, we have already begun to know your likes and dislikes which makes selecting a type of experience and the destination so much more customized to give you the best experience that you can have.

Quotes for “Day of Event Coordination” and “Event Planning” (18, 12, 6, and 3 months) services are available by request.